Have your say!
Janet Street Porter, Germaine Greer…They’ve all been rallying against fashion industry ignorance of the 40 plus market. And I’d like to say that I’m so powerful I just rushed into Debenhams and told them to sort it out.
The fact is this initiative has taken a while to bring to fruition and in many ways was started over 1 year ago when we launched All Walks put 66 year old Valerie in Hannah Marshall leather trousers for an i-D shoot. (Another campaign I am co founder of)
But anyway, feast your eyes on the latest Debenhams campaign that Jane and I have created…yes all those models are over 40 and yes this retailer is committed to reaching out to women like us and offering considerate service, product and message!
Now you’ve got to do your bit and give them some feedback because if you don’t vote with your keypad then you can’t really complain about lack of age diversity in your advertising now can you?